Legiones Astartes Dusk Raiders – Praevian of the 4th Great Company Mitruss Thetmar, the Anthracite, master of the Vorax Automata Maniple the Chittering Widdershins and the Castellax Automata Maniple, the Stalwart Choral.
Despite willingly casting off the livery of the Dusk Raiders and embracing the green of Barbarus and the Primarch’s new order, due to his Terran heritage Mitruss Thetmar was nonetheless deployed to Istvaan III during the purging of the Legion. Realising far too late where the bonds of true brotherhood lay, he perished in the planetwide firestorm that followed the virus bombing, desperately trying to reach Ullis Temeter’s last known position, hoping to make amends for nearly a century of spurned friendship.
The Chittering Widdershins:
Vorax-class Automata Maniple.
Ill-favoured and shunned by the line troopers of the 4th Great Company because of their insectoid nature, the automata of the Chittering Widdershins were nonetheless possessed of fiercely loyal machine spirits. Eventually entering into the care of former Heavy-Support Sergeant Rau as he apprenticed with Mitruss Thetmar towards the end of the Great Crusade, they were deployed to Istvaan III alongside their new master in the assault on the Choral City. Surviving the firestorm that claimed the Praevian, they spent weeks diligently protecting his apprentice, as Rau conducted hit-and-run strikes against the traitorous forces sent to annihilate them. When he was finally cornered by XIIth Legion Rampagers, the maniple obeyed his final command to self-destruct with him in their midst, allowing him to override their safeties, so that they might give him the honourable death he had been denied by his primarch.
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