Legion Astartes Dusk Raiders – Destroyers, the ultimate sanction: “I see a red war and I want it painted black. No battle standards anymore, I want them to turn black.”
Sergeant Sveton was spared the horrors of the Horus Heresy, perishing at the fall of Thethros-Andor, fighting back-to-back with Centurion Halas Vorr to hold the breach against waves of Rangda puppet-warriors. He lived long enough to see the transports of 4th Great Company safely away, before detonating the nucleonic warhead that would seal the two’s fate.
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Recaff for remembrance
It's hard for a disgraced Remembrancer and part-time Perpetual to get good recaff this deep beneath Terra’s battle-scarred crust (not to mention deep within an Inquisitorial dungeon) so if you like what I do please support me on Ko-fi.
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