Heavy Support Squad

Legiones Astartes Dusk Raiders – Heavy Support squad in Mk.II warplate armed with Volkite Culverins.

Sergeant Rau would go on to be gravely injured during the latter days of the Great Crusade, when his aging Proteus-pattern Volkite Culverin suffered a catastrophic misfire in the midst of battle with the Hrud. Rebuilt with extensive bionics by the Legion’s Apothecarion, and with his opportunities for promotion to frontline command now limited, he apprenticed with the 4th Great Company’s cantankerous Praevian, Mitruss Thetmar. Taking command of the ‘Chittering Widdershins’ during the deployment to Istvaan III, he survived the firestorm that claimed his mentor, and spent weeks conducting hit-and-run strikes alongside his faithful Vorax-automata. Finally run to ground by XIIth Legion Rampagers, he forced his maniple to self-destruct with him in their midst, rather than be taken as a trophy by Angron’s butchers.