Legiones Astartes Dusk Raiders – Sergeant Horsa-Tal and his Terminator squad.
A contemporary of Huron-Fal of the 2nd Great Company, Horsa-Tal found himself similarly spurned by his Primarch once the legion was reunited with Mortarion. Passed over for consideration as part of the elite Deathshroud, and unable to reconcile the methodology of the Grave Wardens with his own warrior code, he continued to lead his squad of Cataphractii, accepting increasingly dangerous deployments in a desperate quest to prove his worth. Deployed with other loyalist forces during the initial assault on Istvaan III, his bulky armour became trapped in the rubble of Khry Vanak during the subsequent bombardment, and held immobile inside his inviolable suit, Horsa-Tal witnessed both the ravages of the Life Eater virus, and the global firestorm that followed. Later rescued by fellow loyalist survivors, he fought throughout the last stand in his blackened warplate, living long enough to watch the final, cataclysmic bombardment by Horus, as the bitter end to over a century of service.
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