Huron-Fal, Praetor of the 2nd Great Company of the XIVth Legiones Astartes, the Dusk Raiders, arraigned in Cataphractii warplate, with paragon blade and volkite charger.
Serving from the earliest days of the Great Crusade, Huron-Fal’s achievements made him legendary by any normal, human standard, even before his first, true brush with death and ascension to the sarcophagus of a venerable dreadnought. Consigned to the first wave of the assault on Istvaan III, and caught in the open when the viral bombardment began, he perished clutching the broken body of his long-time friend, Ullis Temeter of the 4th, giving them the clean death their primarch would have denied them, having secured the safety of many of their men: A bitterly pyrrhic victory against a backdrop of horrifyingly cataclysmic treachery.
‘This death,’ rasped the voder, ‘this death is ours. We choose it. We deny you your victory.’
The Flight of the Eisenstein, by James Swallow
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