Greetings Readers, Strap yourselves in, because this is likely to be a bit of a rant. It is an inescapable fact that we are in the midst of one of those moments in history, which occur all-too-often, whereby the seething masses of humanity begin to buck against the intellectual gains of the previous generations. We…
Greetings Readers, So, I am an atheist. There, blog post done: We can all go home now… All joking aside, whilst I have been an atheist for practically my entire life, I’ve never really sat down to talk, in detail, about what that means to me. One of the reasons for this, as far as…
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It's hard for a disgraced Remembrancer and part-time Perpetual to get good recaff this deep beneath Terra’s battle-scarred crust (not to mention deep within an Inquisitorial dungeon) so if you like what I do please support me on Ko-fi.
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