About Eroberung

Er|oberung noun. f (lit, fig) conquest

Eroberung details Marquis’s various hobby-related shenanigans (most notably dabbling in Games Workshop’s Horus Heresy setting), serves as a repository of associated short stories and narratives, and is a general blog for Marquis’s misanthropic and machiavellian musings (often including diabolical political diatribes and obtuse observations about life as an Englishman abroad).

However, before Ullis Temeter and his ill-fated companions stormed the centre stage, Eroberung was originally intended as the central hub for information concerning the science fiction novel Memoirs of Conquest, featuring the collected reminiscences of the famed miliphage, Servatesh and his account of Ubiquity’s conquest of Earth. This detailed retelling of the fall of the house of man was offset and interwoven with the disjointed testament of the infamous human janissary known as Mark Graf. That project, however, is still simmering away…

I prevail.