A seething mass of barely repressed megalomania, egocentric frivolity, anachronistic sophistication, unbridled eloquence and harsh self-loathing, Marquis resides in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) in Germany, has also been sighted in Bayern (Bavaria) in full Tracht, and can frequently be found returning to England and his native Suffolk.
He has been an avid wargamer (or ‘warmonger’) since the age of ten, following a downward spiral that began with Plastic Army Men, Castle Lego, and Airfix kits in the 1980s. Since then he has amassed vast armies of (unpainted) miniatures across a multitude of systems, but still has an enduring love of Games Workshop’s particular brand of plastic crack.
He currently lives with two small cats (Smaug and Flôki), can often be found squirreled away in his hobby studio, and also lectures in English and anglosphere politics as penance for his many, many, unspeakable crimes.
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Recaff for remembrance
It's hard for a disgraced Remembrancer and part-time Perpetual to get good recaff this deep beneath Terra’s battle-scarred crust (not to mention deep within an Inquisitorial dungeon) so if you like what I do please support me on Ko-fi.
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